The Reflectere

Welcome to The Reflectere

For true healing and growth, one can start looking inwards with curiosity, compassion, and purpose. Offering In-Person Clinical Counselling for Men in Vancouver. Offering Virtual Clinical Counselling for Men across BC & Parts of Canada. 

The Reflectere Approach

Every client supported by The Reflectere is led through evidence-based therapeutic modalities and techniques. There is no one size fits all approach to my counselling, everything I practice is client-centred.

Your relationship to yourself can start deepening today.

Book your free 20-minutes consultation.

Curious to learn more? Click on the links below for further information regarding In-Person Men’s Counselling in Vancouver. Along with information on Virtual Clinical Counselling for Men across BC & parts of Canada.

You are capable of healing.

To acknowledge, you must be able to see it first.

You’re landing here out of curiosity or a little spark that is nudging you to get support. Acknowledging something in our life can be a hard truth, so I want to honour the strength in you for the exploration of your mental health.

Our perception of the world shapes our reactions, influencing our mind, body, and the narratives we create

Men, if any of these scenarios sound familiar, counselling could be of benefit for you.

Not being able to communicate your emotional experience to your partner

Your relationship with yourself is diminished and you don’t feel in a great place

Fearing becoming vulnerable or emotional with your partner

An inability to express your emotions and feeling like they are ruling your daily life

You’re feeling depressed and you find your coping mechanisms to get through your day are wrecking havoc on your relationships, health, and self-esteem.

A tendency to avoid your feelings and distract yourself with overworking, drinking, drugs, sex/porn, or gambling.

You associate your self worth with how well you do at work or in sports.

Best Couple and Men's Counseling

Trust Us To Be There To Help All and Make Things Well Again

0 %

of Men experience depression in their lifetime, you’re not alone

0 %

of Men report wanting to work on their relationship to their emotions

0 %
of Men who seek support report feeling an improvement in their mental health within the
first 3-months
0 %

of Men report wanting to have deeper, meaningful connections with their Male Friends

For true healing and growth, one can start looking inwards with curiosity, compassion, and purpose.

Offering In-Person Clinical Counselling for Men in Vancouver.

Offering Virtual Clinical Counselling for Men across BC & Parts of Canada.

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